This important find is the only 3d Valkyrie know to exist – recreated in it’s complete form, see below for a “3D” view of the replica figurine.
Click on the icon to start preview, then you may click and drag with your mouse to rotate the figure interactively, you can also zoom into the figure using the buttons at bottom or scroll wheel.
For best viewing use the right most button to enter full screen mode (escape key or same button to return here)
In Late 2012 a tiny figurine was found in the mud using a metal detector in Harby, Denmark. It was a unique find, the only 3D Viking representation of a Valkyrie. Dated to about A.D. 800, it was found near a known metal workshop, and there was speculation it was discarded as waste or meant for the melting pot as a chunk of the lower section was missing.
Nathaniel has made a detailed scale reproduction of the original reconstructed to be whole in the original’s silver. These are available for limited purchase in silver for $200.